
Legislation in Uzbekistan

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Legislation in 
Uzbekistan                       LEGISLATIVE CHANGES
.1Uzbe k ist an’s le gislat ion has se e n signifi cant  change s in re ce nt  ye ars,
.2 e spe cially  since  2016. The  gove rnme nt  aims t o e nhance  e conomic 
deve lopme nt , e nvironme nt al prot e ct ion, and e ducat ion.                    Economic 
reforms  1. Investment climate:     New laws  have been created 
to make it easier for foreign and local business to 
2. Currency reforms:    The country has changed its 
currency system to allow for a more flexible 
exchange rate, making it easier to access foreign 
3. Stronger banks:    The government is improving 
banks to make them more reliable and help more 
people use their services.                      ENVIRONMENT
PROTECTION  1. New laws:   The government has adopted laws to 
protect nature and control pollution.
2. Water management:  Efforts are being made to use 
water more wisely, especially in farming,  to save this 
important resource.
3. Protection Nature: There are iniatives to protect 
endangered species and keep natural habitats safe.                      Education  1. Access to Education:   The government is working to 
make education more available,  especially in rural 
areas, so more children can attend school.
2. Teacher training:  There are new programs to help 
teachers improve their skills and training.
3. Higher education: Universities are growing and 
offering new programs that match needs of the job 

Legislation in Uzbekistan

LEGISLATIVE CHANGES .1Uzbe k ist an’s le gislat ion has se e n signifi cant change s in re ce nt ye ars, .2 e spe cially since 2016. The gove rnme nt aims t o e nhance e conomic deve lopme nt , e nvironme nt al prot e ct ion, and e ducat ion.

Economic reforms 1. Investment climate: New laws have been created to make it easier for foreign and local business to invest. 2. Currency reforms: The country has changed its currency system to allow for a more flexible exchange rate, making it easier to access foreign money 3. Stronger banks: The government is improving banks to make them more reliable and help more people use their services.

ENVIRONMENT AL PROTECTION 1. New laws: The government has adopted laws to protect nature and control pollution. 2. Water management: Efforts are being made to use water more wisely, especially in farming, to save this important resource. 3. Protection Nature: There are iniatives to protect endangered species and keep natural habitats safe.

Education 1. Access to Education: The government is working to make education more available, especially in rural areas, so more children can attend school. 2. Teacher training: There are new programs to help teachers improve their skills and training. 3. Higher education: Universities are growing and offering new programs that match needs of the job market.