
Landmarks in law

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Landmarks in the Law was written to satisfy Lord 
Denning’s desire 
“  to write just one more book” . He tells us in his 
preface that, as he was casting 
about to decide what this “ one more book” 1 might be 
about, he thought that he 
would like to write a play. He gave this idea up because 
he could not think of a 
plot. Next, he dallied with the idea of a novel. He gave 
this idea up also because, 
as he states it, “ I could not invent the characters or 
situations” .2 So, preferring 
fact to fiction, he once more turned to the law. Having decided that this “once more book” would be 
about the law, 
the next question was “ what part of the law” ? 3 He 
rejected the idea of a 
textbook or of a treatise on jurisprudence because, to use 
his own words, he 
“  was never any good at things of that kind” .4 The 
outcome was Landmarks o f
the Law, a book about great cases of the past that have 
gone to make England’s 
constitution. The title of the book is very appropriate. All of the cases 
included in 
Lord Denning’s “ one more book” are landmark cases. 
They are cases that 
should be known to every student of the law or of 
history. Altogether too often, 
they are not. At best, many have but a nodding 
acquaintance, if any knowledge 
at all, of these cases which are likened to “lighthouses 
from which our 
forefathers have taken their bearings” . The book is not a connected story with a 
central theme. It was not 
intended to be. Instead, it is a book — a 
“ hotchpotch” , Lord Denning calls 
it — 6 into which one can dip at will. 
The cases included portray dramatic situations that involve 
characters that are real and scenes that are true. To add 
color to the cases, Lord 
Denning has added sketches and stories about those 
involved one way or 
another in the cases, as well as about the situations that 
the cases present. 
Sufficient background material is provided to give a clear 
understanding of 
what each case is all about.  With an eye for detail, Lord Denning tells us how many 
blows it 
took the executioner to chop off Sir Walter Raleigh’s 
head,7 and how many it 
took to chop off Sir Thomas M ore’s.8 We are also told 
that the former refused 
the benefit of a blindfold as he placed his head on the 
block,9 and that the latter 
expressed concern about the unsafe scaffold which he had 
to mount to be 
executed. Lord Denningning "yana bitta kitob yozish" 
istagini qondirish uchun yozilgan. U o'zining 
so'zboshida aytadiki, u bu "yana bir kitob" 
nima haqida bo'lishi mumkinligini hal 
qilmoqchi bo'lganida, u yozmoqchiman, deb 
o'ylagan.  spektakl. U bu fikrdan voz kechdi, 
chunki u keyingi syujet haqida o'ylay olmagani 
uchun u roman g'oyasi bilan ovora bo'ldi. U 
bu fikrdan ham voz kechdi, chunki u 
aytganidek. Men personajlarni yoki vaziyatni 
ixtiro qila olmadim.  fantastika u yana bir bor 
qonunga murojaat qildi. Bu "yana kitob qonunchilikka aylanadi" degan 
qarorga kelib, keyingi savol "huquqning qaysi qismi" 
bo'ldi?  Bu kabi narsalar". Natija - "Qonunlarning 
diqqatga sazovor joylari" kitobi Angliya 
konstitutsiyasini yaratish uchun ketgan o'tmishdagi 
buyuk voqealar haqida kitob bo'ldi. Kitobning sarlavhasi juda mos, Lord Denningning 
"yana bir kitobi"ga kiritilgan barcha holatlar muhim 
holatlardir. Ular huquq yoki tarix fanining har bir 
talabasiga ma'lum bo'lishi kerak bo'lgan holatlardir.  
Ko'pchilikning faqat bosh irg'ab tanishi bor. Agar 
umuman ma'lumotga ega bo'lsak, bu holatlar haqida 
ota-bobolarimiz o'zlarini olib qo'ygan mayoqlarga 
o'xshatiladi". Kitob markaziy mavzu bilan bog'liq 
hikoya emas. U bo'lish uchun 
mo'ljallanmagan. Buning o'rniga. Bu 
kitobni Lord Denning o'z ixtiyoriga ko'ra 
sho'ng'ishi mumkin bo'lgan 
"hotchpotch" deb ataydi.  haqiqiy 
qahramonlar va haqiqiy sahnalar.  
Ishlarga rang qo'shish uchun Lord 
Denning holatlarga u yoki bu tarzda 
tegishli bo'lganlar, shuningdek, holatlar 
mavjud bo'lgan holatlar haqida eskizlar 
va hikoyalar qo'shdi. Har bir ishning 
nima ekanligini aniq tushunish uchun 
etarli ma'lumot berilgan.  hammasi 
haqida.  Tafsilotlarga e'tibor qaratgan  L ord Denning jallod ser 
Valter Raligning boshini qancha zarba bilan kesib 
tashlaganini va ser Tomas Morning boshini kesish 
uchun qancha zarba berganini aytadi.  U  boshini 
blokga qo'ydi va ikkinchisi o'ldirilishi kerak bo'lgan 
xavfli iskala haqida o'z noroziligini bildirdi.               Answer the questions
1. Which of Lord Denning's works is famous ?
   "Landmarks in the law"
2.What could not be invented in this work?
    Characters and situations.
3.This book deals with the amount of time it 
took to create something?
    Of the English constitution
4.These cases are similar to the beacons that 
have been taken away?
5.This work contains important facts that 
students of any subject should know?
    Law and history 6. Which of Lord Denning's books contains the 
most important cases ?
    Landmarks in the law.
7.What is the name of this book of Lord 
8.What is the focus of this work?
     Sketches and stories.
9.In this book,Lord Denning gives information 
about who heads he cut off?
      Valter Raligning.
10.As he put his head on the block, the latter 
protested about what?
      Dangerous pier.             Synonim words
Think idea-õy goya.
Skatch story-eskiz hikoya.
                 New words
Dallied-dovdirab qoldi.
landmark-diqqatga sazavor joy.
                 Used literatures
  Jeremy Wallen "English for law".

Landmarks in the Law was written to satisfy Lord Denning’s desire “ to write just one more book” . He tells us in his preface that, as he was casting about to decide what this “ one more book” 1 might be about, he thought that he would like to write a play. He gave this idea up because he could not think of a plot. Next, he dallied with the idea of a novel. He gave this idea up also because, as he states it, “ I could not invent the characters or situations” .2 So, preferring fact to fiction, he once more turned to the law.

Having decided that this “once more book” would be about the law, the next question was “ what part of the law” ? 3 He rejected the idea of a textbook or of a treatise on jurisprudence because, to use his own words, he “ was never any good at things of that kind” .4 The outcome was Landmarks o f the Law, a book about great cases of the past that have gone to make England’s constitution.

The title of the book is very appropriate. All of the cases included in Lord Denning’s “ one more book” are landmark cases. They are cases that should be known to every student of the law or of history. Altogether too often, they are not. At best, many have but a nodding acquaintance, if any knowledge at all, of these cases which are likened to “lighthouses from which our forefathers have taken their bearings” .

The book is not a connected story with a central theme. It was not intended to be. Instead, it is a book — a “ hotchpotch” , Lord Denning calls it — 6 into which one can dip at will. The cases included portray dramatic situations that involve characters that are real and scenes that are true. To add color to the cases, Lord Denning has added sketches and stories about those involved one way or another in the cases, as well as about the situations that the cases present. Sufficient background material is provided to give a clear understanding of what each case is all about.