National holidays of the Republic of Uzbekistan

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           National holidays of the Republic of Uzbekistan
          January 1 - New Year
It is the first day of the new year. New Year's Eve is widely 
celebrated in different countries of
the world at different times of the
year. The symbol of the New Year
is Santa Claus and Snow Maiden,
as well as a made Christmas tree.
With the clocks miles traditionally
hitting 12 o'clock, the night of
December 31st to January 1st
marks the beginning of the new
year. At this time, people widely
celebrate this holiday with their
loved ones around a decorated
table. They also delight each other
with various gifts.
             January 14 - Defender of the Fatherland Day
In independent Uzbekistan, this
holiday is dedicated to the
establishment of its own armed
forces. On January 14, 1992, the
country's parliament passed a
resolution on the transfer of all
units and associations of military
schools and other military forms
in the country to the jurisdiction
of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Thus, the private armed forces were established. December 29, 1993 was declared January 14 - 
Defender of the Fatherland Day.
                 March 8 - International Women's Day
International Women's Day is a holiday of beauty, elegance and 
grace. March 8 is also known as
“Mother’s Day”. People celebrate
this holiday as a holiday of love,
kindness and beauty. We are once
again convinced of the connection
between the concepts of Spring and
Women, and we understand this
deeply. The fact that the Women's
Day of Nature falls in the first days
of spring does not mean that the
beauty of women is compared to
elegant flowers. On this holiday, men
give gifts to their mothers, spouses
and daughters with flowers and the
most sincere wishes.
              March 21 - Navruz The ancient national holiday of Navruz ("Navruz holiday") means 
"new day" when translated from
Persian. Navruz is celebrated on
March 21 and is the beginning of
the new year. This day is the equal
time of night and day. The Earth is
entering an era of global
astronomical equilibrium. Again
during this period the seasons in the
hemisphere change, if in the
southern hemisphere autumn
comes, and in the northern
hemisphere - spring. This holiday is
celebrated when all the plants and
trees are in bloom and spring is just
around the corner. With the arrival
of this holiday, many Uzbek families prepare a variety of national 
dishes: Sumalak, Halim, Blue somsa, Osh and others. These foods 
are rich in many vitamins that are beneficial to the human body. 
After the independence of our country, the ancient customs and 
traditions of our people came into force, including the celebration 
of Navruz. This holiday is a national holiday with a symbol of 
friendship and unity of all peoples.
           May 9 - Day of
Remembrance and Honor
On May 9, 1999, the Memorial Square
was opened in the capital of
Uzbekistan, and since then May 9 has
been celebrated as the Day of
Remembrance and Honor. This holiday
is dedicated to the memory of our
compatriots who have heroically defended our country for centuries in independent Uzbekistan, who
fought for its freedom, independence and peace of its people. The 
concept of memory and appreciation has a deep meaning. On this 
day, heroes such as Tomaris, Shirak, Spitamen, Jaloliddin 
Manguberdi, Najmiddin Kubro, who fought in the struggle against 
fascism, sacrificed their lives to defend their homeland, and fought 
for the freedom that the people dreamed of for centuries, Kadyri, 
Behbudi, Munavvar-qori, Cho It is both an obligation and a duty to
cheer up the souls of our national heroes, such as Lpon, Avloni.
            September 1 - Independence Day
The main national holiday of the Republic of Uzbekistan is 
Independence Day. This holiday is
celebrated on September 1 in a
ceremonial and colorful way. This
national holiday is a holiday that reflects
all the dreams of our people, based on
friendship, charity and mutual respect.
Representatives of different nationalities
living in Uzbekistan, regardless of
nationality, religion and race, actively
celebrate in all regions of Uzbekistan.
Representatives of the arts will perform
various shows in the parks and squares
of the city. Many foreign guests and
tourists take part in the traditional
performances that remain.               October 1 - Teachers and Coaches Day
Every year, October 1 - Teachers 'and Coaches' Day is widely 
celebrated. From ancient times the deep respect and objection to 
the master has been preserved. Words like “Teacher,” “Teacher,” 
and “Teacher” have appealed
to their teachers for centuries
with gratitude and respect,
not just knowledge and
respect for the people and
love for the Motherland.
Students of schools and
educational institutions have
a deep respect for the
teachers who gave them the
first knowledge of life. On
this day, students sincerely
thank you for the hard work
on the path of life with
flowers and gifts.                December 8 - Constitution Day
In our country, the rule of law is one
of the main principles of state policy.
The Constitution of the Republic of
Uzbekistan was adopted by the
Supreme Council on December 8,
1992. The Constitution consists of 6
sections, 26 chapters and 128 articles.
This holiday is widely celebrated
throughout Uzbekistan.
Eid al-Fitr (Ramadan Hayit) and   Eid  al-Adha (Eid al -Adha), 
which are celebrated after the month of Ramadan,  are also national
holidays, but the days on which these holidays are celebrated vary 
from year to year according to the Hijri calendar. Widely-Keng                                 Celebrated-nishonladi
Different-boshqacha                     Traditionally-an’anaviy tarzda
 Loved-sevgan                               Around-atrofida 
Decorated-bezatilgan                   Delight-zavq
 Various-har xil                             Gifts-sovg’alar
Independent-mustaqil                   Parliament-parlament
Passed-o’tdi                                   Military-harbiy
 Jurisdiction-yurisdikatsiya           Private-xususiy
Established-tashkil etilgan          Elegance-nafislik
 Celebrate-nishonlash                   Kindness- mehribonlik
Convinced-ishonch hosil qilgan     Between-orasida
 Deeply-chuqur                            Elegant-nafis
Spouses-turmish o’toqlar            Daughters –qizlari
 Ancient-qadimiy                        Celebrated- nishonladi
Equal -teng                                 Entering-kirish  
Astronomical-astronomik           Equilibrium-muvozanat
Period -davri                               Southern-janubiy,
 Autumn-kuz                               Northern -shimoliy
Hemisphere -yarim shar             Eelebrated-nishonladi
Corner-burchak                          Arrival-kelishi,
 Prepare-tayyorlamoq                Beneficial-foydali
Celebration-bayram                  Capital -poytaxt
Celebrated-nishonladi                 Dedicated-bag’ishlangan
Memory-xotira                           Compatriot-vatondosh Defended-himoyaqildi                Independent-mustaqil
Freedom-erkinlik                        Independence-mustaqillik
1. How many national holidays are there in Uzbekistan? 
 2. Name the national holidays of Uzbekistan? 
 3. When is the New Year celebrated?
  4. What holiday is January 14th?
   5. In what language is  Novruz holiday derived and what does it
 6. What national dishes are prepared on Navruz holiday?  
7. When was the memorial opened in Uzbekistan? 
  8.   Who   are   the   people   who   sacrificed   their   lives   to   defend   the
    9.   What   is   the   main   national   holiday   of   the   Republic   of
  10.   How   many   sections,   how   many   chapters   and   how   many
articles does the constitution consist of?

National holidays of the Republic of Uzbekistan January 1 - New Year It is the first day of the new year. New Year's Eve is widely celebrated in different countries of the world at different times of the year. The symbol of the New Year is Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, as well as a made Christmas tree. With the clocks miles traditionally hitting 12 o'clock, the night of December 31st to January 1st marks the beginning of the new year. At this time, people widely celebrate this holiday with their loved ones around a decorated table. They also delight each other with various gifts. January 14 - Defender of the Fatherland Day In independent Uzbekistan, this holiday is dedicated to the establishment of its own armed forces. On January 14, 1992, the country's parliament passed a resolution on the transfer of all units and associations of military schools and other military forms in the country to the jurisdiction of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Thus, the private armed forces

were established. December 29, 1993 was declared January 14 - Defender of the Fatherland Day. March 8 - International Women's Day International Women's Day is a holiday of beauty, elegance and grace. March 8 is also known as “Mother’s Day”. People celebrate this holiday as a holiday of love, kindness and beauty. We are once again convinced of the connection between the concepts of Spring and Women, and we understand this deeply. The fact that the Women's Day of Nature falls in the first days of spring does not mean that the beauty of women is compared to elegant flowers. On this holiday, men give gifts to their mothers, spouses and daughters with flowers and the most sincere wishes. March 21 - Navruz

The ancient national holiday of Navruz ("Navruz holiday") means "new day" when translated from Persian. Navruz is celebrated on March 21 and is the beginning of the new year. This day is the equal time of night and day. The Earth is entering an era of global astronomical equilibrium. Again during this period the seasons in the hemisphere change, if in the southern hemisphere autumn comes, and in the northern hemisphere - spring. This holiday is celebrated when all the plants and trees are in bloom and spring is just around the corner. With the arrival of this holiday, many Uzbek families prepare a variety of national dishes: Sumalak, Halim, Blue somsa, Osh and others. These foods are rich in many vitamins that are beneficial to the human body. After the independence of our country, the ancient customs and traditions of our people came into force, including the celebration of Navruz. This holiday is a national holiday with a symbol of friendship and unity of all peoples. May 9 - Day of Remembrance and Honor On May 9, 1999, the Memorial Square was opened in the capital of Uzbekistan, and since then May 9 has been celebrated as the Day of Remembrance and Honor. This holiday is dedicated to the memory of our compatriots who have heroically

defended our country for centuries in independent Uzbekistan, who fought for its freedom, independence and peace of its people. The concept of memory and appreciation has a deep meaning. On this day, heroes such as Tomaris, Shirak, Spitamen, Jaloliddin Manguberdi, Najmiddin Kubro, who fought in the struggle against fascism, sacrificed their lives to defend their homeland, and fought for the freedom that the people dreamed of for centuries, Kadyri, Behbudi, Munavvar-qori, Cho It is both an obligation and a duty to cheer up the souls of our national heroes, such as Lpon, Avloni. September 1 - Independence Day The main national holiday of the Republic of Uzbekistan is Independence Day. This holiday is celebrated on September 1 in a ceremonial and colorful way. This national holiday is a holiday that reflects all the dreams of our people, based on friendship, charity and mutual respect. Representatives of different nationalities living in Uzbekistan, regardless of nationality, religion and race, actively celebrate in all regions of Uzbekistan. Representatives of the arts will perform various shows in the parks and squares of the city. Many foreign guests and tourists take part in the traditional performances that remain.

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