MASS MEDIA 1. Diff erent t y pes of mass media, pros and cons 2. Press 3. Radio and t elev i sion 4. Infl uence of mass media 5. Infl uence of t he Int ernet
If y ou don’t read t he new spaper, y ou are uninformed. If y ou read t he new spaper, y ou are misinformed. Author unknown ( commonly attributed to Mark Twain or Thomas Jefferson ) We hav e more media t han ev er and more t echnology in our liv es. It ’ s supposed t o help us communicat e, but it has t he opposit e eff ect of isolat ing us. Tracy ChapmanComment on t he follow ing quot at ions.
MEDI AMEDI ABrainst orm t he v ocabulary connect ed w it h t he follow ing subt opics :
informative educational entertaining advertising Explain t he basic funct ions of mass media .
Talk about t he t y pes of mass media and t heir adv ant ages and disadv ant ages.