

Yuklangan vaqt:


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1.  Diff erent  t y pes of mass media, pros and   cons
2. Press
3. Radio and t elev i sion
4. Infl uence of mass media
5. Infl uence of t he Int ernet         If y ou don’t  read t he new spaper, y ou are 
uninformed. If y ou read t he new spaper, y ou 
are misinformed.
Author unknown
  ( commonly attributed to Mark Twain or Thomas Jefferson )
We hav e more media t han ev er and more 
t echnology  in our liv es. It ’ s supposed t o help 
us communicat e, but  it  has t he opposit e 
eff ect  of isolat ing us.
                                    Tracy ChapmanComment   on  t he follow ing quot at ions.   MEDI AMEDI ABrainst orm  t he  v ocabulary   connect ed  w it h 
t he follow ing subt opics :   
  advertising  Explain t he basic funct ions of mass media .   Talk   about   t he  t y pes  of  mass  media  and  t heir 
adv ant ages and disadv ant ages.   
Jemné melódie
Slovenský rozhlas
Europe 2
Fun Radio
Hey 
phone-in programmes
traffic news
pop chart s
live broadcasting
talk shows
political debates
weather forecast s
morning showsWhat   radio  st at ions  and  t y pes  of  programmes  do 
y ou k now ? Which of t hem do y ou list en t o? Why ?
Which  o f   t he  abov e  programmes  can   y ou  list en 
t o on t he radio st at ions list ed abov e?   Which  of  t hese  TV  programmes  can  y ou  name? 
Which of t hem do y ou lik e w at ching? Why ?
1. 2.
3. 4.
6. 7.
9. 10.
13. 14.   Comment   on  t he  negat iv e  infl uence  of 
t elev ision in t hese pict ures.   What   t y pes  of  new spapers  and  magazines  do  y ou 
k now ? Compare t hem.
Which  new spapers  and  magazines  do  y ou  read? 
How  oft en?    
gossip column
feature article
classified ads
political commentary
crosswordsMat ch  t he  sect ion  of  t he  new spaper  w it h  t he 
pict ure.
Which  of  t hem  can  y ou  fi nd  in  t abloids  and 
broadsheet s?  Which  of  t he m   a r e  y ou  int erest ed 
in? 2. 3.
4. 5.
6. 7.   What   role  does  t he  I nt ernet   play   in  people’s 
life?   What  is t he I nt ernet  used for ?
What  are y our reasons for using t he I nt ernet ?   
the role of mass media 
the influence of mass media
the future of mass media
reduction of negative influence of mass 
media Discuss t he follow ing issues .   Design  t he  front   page  lay out   of  y our  new  
school  new spaper.  Suggest   it s  name  and 
cont ent .  How   w ould  y ou  at t ract   it s  pot ent ial 
readers ? 

MASS MEDIA 1. Diff erent t y pes of mass media, pros and cons 2. Press 3. Radio and t elev i sion 4. Infl uence of mass media 5. Infl uence of t he Int ernet

If y ou don’t read t he new spaper, y ou are uninformed. If y ou read t he new spaper, y ou are misinformed. Author unknown ( commonly attributed to Mark Twain or Thomas Jefferson ) We hav e more media t han ev er and more t echnology in our liv es. It ’ s supposed t o help us communicat e, but it has t he opposit e eff ect of isolat ing us. Tracy ChapmanComment on t he follow ing quot at ions.

MEDI AMEDI ABrainst orm t he v ocabulary connect ed w it h t he follow ing subt opics :

 informative  educational  entertaining  advertising Explain t he basic funct ions of mass media .

Talk about t he t y pes of mass media and t heir adv ant ages and disadv ant ages.