
Paris 2

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The me :  Paris 2                                      Panthéon-Assas currently provides the law courses of the 
Sorbonne University  	
as an independent university, having 
refused to officially merge into it as a faculty. [15] [16]
The majority of the 19 campuses of Panthéon-Assas are 
located in the	
  Latin Quarter, Paris , with the main campuses 
  Place du  Panthéon  	and	  Rue  d'Assas , hence its current 
name. The university is composed of five departments 
specialising in law,	
  political science , economics, journalism 
  media studies  	and public and private management, and 
it hosts 24 research centres and five specialised doctoral 
schools. Every year, the university enrolls approximately 
18,000 students, including more than 3,000 international 
students.                                      University Panthéon-Assas, also known as Assas, is a 
public university, primarily focused on legal studies. 
It was founded in 1971, but is viewed as the 
successor institution to the University of Paris’ Law 
School, which began life in the 13th century before 
closing in 1970.
Assas is often considered as the top law school in 
France. Many members of the French political elite 
studied at the university, including recent French 
president Francois Hollande. The current president 
of Greece Prokopis Pavlopoulous is also a former 
student.                                      The university has 19,000 students enrolled. As well as law 
courses, Assas also offers degrees in journalism, economics, 
management and political science.
Graduates of law degrees at Assas earn more on average than 
those of any other competing school in France, according to 
the French Ministry of Higher Education.
The university’s headquarters are based in an 18th century 
building in the city’s Latin quarter, close to the Panthéon. Its 
name, Panthéon-Assas is derived from the original address of 
the University of Paris’s former law school.
There are dozens of student societies based around sports, 
culture and much more at the university. Beyond that there is 
the cultural life offered by Paris, which, though an expensive 
place to stay is well-loved by many of its student inhabitants.                                      Héritière directe de la Faculté de droit et des sciences 
économiques de Paris, l’université Paris-Panthéon-Assas 
s’honore de maintenir son prestigieux héritage et 
garantir la pérennité des lieux hautement symboliques 
où le droit français est né. Forte d'un enseignement et 
d'une recherche toujours novateurs et au plus haut 
niveau, l’université d’aujourd’hui rend hommage à tous 
ceux qui ont fait son histoire, en songeant aux 
générations à venir. Elle continue de faire vivre et évoluer 
le droit, en complémentarité avec les sciences 
économiques et de gestion, la science politique, et les 
sciences de l’information et de la communication.

 The me : Paris 2

Panthéon-Assas currently provides the law courses of the Sorbonne University as an independent university, having refused to officially merge into it as a faculty. [15] [16] The majority of the 19 campuses of Panthéon-Assas are located in the Latin Quarter, Paris , with the main campuses on Place du Panthéon and Rue d'Assas , hence its current name. The university is composed of five departments specialising in law, political science , economics, journalism and media studies and public and private management, and it hosts 24 research centres and five specialised doctoral schools. Every year, the university enrolls approximately 18,000 students, including more than 3,000 international students.

University Panthéon-Assas, also known as Assas, is a public university, primarily focused on legal studies. It was founded in 1971, but is viewed as the successor institution to the University of Paris’ Law School, which began life in the 13th century before closing in 1970. Assas is often considered as the top law school in France. Many members of the French political elite studied at the university, including recent French president Francois Hollande. The current president of Greece Prokopis Pavlopoulous is also a former student.