
The best universitete

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The best universities in the world have a long track record 
of educating students and preparing alumni for influential 
and competitive careers.
What qualities define the best college in the world? The 
top-ranked institutions on our list offer diverse programs 
with award-winning faculty. These nationally recognized 
universities conduct groundbreaking research while 
educating future leaders in business, healthcare, and 
government. Attending an international university helps 
students pursue specialized programs and make 
connections abroad.
This page ranks the best colleges in the world. Prospective 
applicants can use this list to learn more about renowned 
universities. Harvard ranks at the top of our list of the best 
colleges in the world. Other top-ranking U.S. 
colleges include Columbia, Yale, Stanford, and 
University of Chicago
Harvard charges over $51,000 per year in 
undergraduate tuition. However, the university 
meets 100% of the demonstrated need for students. We partnered with Academic Influence to determine the 
best universities across the globe. Our data-driven 
approach uses machine learning and search algorithms to 
identify institutions with the most influential faculty, 
administrators, and alumni across departments and degree 
programs. Our methodology examines each university's 
research output and impact on society to determine the 
most influential — and important — institutions in the 
world today. Harvard University is the standard by which all other 
research universities are measured. No school in recent 
history has challenged its position as the world’s premier 
academic institution. It is the oldest school in the world’s 
richest nation, and has capitalized on the benefits this 
grants. Under financial guru Jack Meyer’s management, 
the school’s endowment grew from $4.6 billion to $25.8 
in 15 years. Today, the school possesses over $35.7 billion 
and its fortune is still growing. But there is more to 
Harvard than massive wealth. The school has produced 
49 Nobel laureates, 32 
heads of state, and 48 
Pulitzer Prize winners. It 
boasts the largest 
academic library in the 
world, leading medical, 
law, and business schools, 
and an alumni network 
integrated across the globe New Haven, Connecticut, U.S.
Yale University has everything one would expect 
form a major research university. It is one of the 
original eight Ivy League schools, it has a $20 billion 
endowment, and roughly one in six of its students 
come from foreign nations. Yale has also had a 
disproportionate influence over American Politics. 
Numerous major US political careers begin at Yale 
(the infamous Skull and Bones Society by itself has 
produced three Presidents), and Yale Law School has 
been the preeminent US law school for years. Dunyoning eng yaxshi universitetlari talabalarga ta'lim 
berish va bitiruvchilarni nufuzli va raqobatbardosh 
martaba tayyorlash bo'yicha uzoq tajribaga ega.
  Qaysi fazilatlar dunyodagi eng yaxshi kollejni belgilaydi?  
Bizning ro'yxatdagi eng yuqori o'rinni egallagan 
muassasalar mukofotga sazovor bo'lgan professor-
o'qituvchilar bilan turli xil dasturlarni taklif qiladi.  Ushbu 
milliy tan olingan universitetlar biznes, sog'liqni saqlash va 
hukumat sohalarida bo'lajak yetakchilarni tarbiyalash bilan 
birga, ilg'or tadqiqotlar olib boradi.  Xalqaro universitetda 
o'qish talabalarga ixtisoslashtirilgan dasturlarni amalga 
oshirishga va chet elda aloqa o'rnatishga yordam beradi.
  Ushbu sahifada dunyodagi eng yaxshi kollejlar reytingi 
berilgan.  Garvard dunyodagi eng yaxshi kollejlar ro'yxatida birinchi 
o'rinni egallaydi.  Boshqa yuqori darajadagi AQSh kollejlari 
orasida Kolumbiya, Yel, Stenford va Chikago universiteti 
Garvard bakalavriatda oʻqish uchun yiliga 51 000 
dollardan ortiq haq oladi.  Biroq, universitet talabalarga 
ko'rsatilgan ehtiyojni 100% qondiradi. Dunyo boʻylab eng yaxshi universitetlarni aniqlash uchun 
Academic Influence bilan hamkorlik qildik.  Maʼlumotlarga 
asoslangan yondashuvimiz boʻlimlar va daraja dasturlari 
boʻyicha eng nufuzli professor-oʻqituvchilari, maʼmurlari va 
bitiruvchilari boʻlgan institutlarni aniqlash uchun 
mashinani oʻrganish va qidiruv algoritmlaridan foydalanadi. 
 Bizning metodologiyamiz bugungi kunda dunyodagi eng 
nufuzli va muhim institutlarni aniqlash uchun har bir 
universitetning tadqiqot natijalari va jamiyatga ta'sirini 
o'rganadi. Garvard universiteti boshqa barcha tadqiqot 
universitetlari oʻlchanadigan standartdir.  Yaqin tarixdagi 
hech bir maktab o'zining dunyodagi eng yaxshi ilmiy 
muassasa sifatidagi mavqeini shubha ostiga qo'ymagan.  
Bu dunyoning eng boy davlatidagi eng qadimgi maktab 
bo'lib, bu grant imtiyozlaridan foydalangan.  Moliyaviy 
guru Jek Meyer boshqaruvi ostida maktabning mablag‘i 15 
yil ichida 4,6 milliard dollardan 25,8 dollargacha o‘sdi.  
Bugungi kunda maktab 35,7 milliard dollardan ortiq 
mablag'ga ega va uning boyligi hamon o'sib bormoqda.  
Ammo Garvardda katta boylikdan ham ko'proq narsa bor. Maktabdan 49 ta Nobel 
mukofoti sovrindorlari, 32 ta 
davlat rahbarlari va 48 ta 
Pulitser mukofoti sovrindorlari 
yetishib chiqqan.  U 
dunyodagi eng katta akademik 
kutubxonaga, yetakchi 
tibbiyot, huquq va biznes 
maktablariga hamda butun 
dunyo boʻylab 
bitiruvchilar tarmogʻiga ega. New Haven, Konnektikut, Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari
  Yel universitetida yirik tadqiqot universiteti sifatida 
kutilgan hamma narsa mavjud.  Bu Ayvi Ligasining sakkizta 
asl maktablaridan biri bo'lib, uning jamg'armasi 20 milliard 
dollarga teng va har oltita o'quvchidan biri xorijiy 
davlatlardan keladi.  Yel ham Amerika siyosatiga 
nomutanosib ta'sir ko'rsatdi.  AQShning ko'plab yirik 
siyosiy kareralari Yelda boshlanadi (mashhur Bosh suyagi 
va suyaklari jamiyati o'z-o'zidan uchta prezidentni ishlab 
chiqargan) va Yel yuridik maktabi yillar davomida 
AQShning eng nufuzli huquq maktabi bo'lib kelgan.           Answer the question
1.How old was prize winners in school?
   49 ta.
2.How old school's endowment grew 
from in 15 year?
   $4,6 billion to $25,8 billion.
3.How old today the school possesses 
over billion and its fortune is still 
   $35,7 billion.              Synonim words
riserch-benifest-eng mashhur
              New words
             Used literature
   Google,  Chrome

The best universities in the world have a long track record of educating students and preparing alumni for influential and competitive careers. What qualities define the best college in the world? The top-ranked institutions on our list offer diverse programs with award-winning faculty. These nationally recognized universities conduct groundbreaking research while educating future leaders in business, healthcare, and government. Attending an international university helps students pursue specialized programs and make connections abroad. This page ranks the best colleges in the world. Prospective applicants can use this list to learn more about renowned universities.

Harvard ranks at the top of our list of the best colleges in the world. Other top-ranking U.S. colleges include Columbia, Yale, Stanford, and University of Chicago Harvard charges over $51,000 per year in undergraduate tuition. However, the university meets 100% of the demonstrated need for students.

We partnered with Academic Influence to determine the best universities across the globe. Our data-driven approach uses machine learning and search algorithms to identify institutions with the most influential faculty, administrators, and alumni across departments and degree programs. Our methodology examines each university's research output and impact on society to determine the most influential — and important — institutions in the world today.

Harvard University is the standard by which all other research universities are measured. No school in recent history has challenged its position as the world’s premier academic institution. It is the oldest school in the world’s richest nation, and has capitalized on the benefits this grants. Under financial guru Jack Meyer’s management, the school’s endowment grew from $4.6 billion to $25.8 in 15 years. Today, the school possesses over $35.7 billion and its fortune is still growing. But there is more to Harvard than massive wealth.

The school has produced 49 Nobel laureates, 32 heads of state, and 48 Pulitzer Prize winners. It boasts the largest academic library in the world, leading medical, law, and business schools, and an alumni network integrated across the globe