Deduction theorem
INDEPENDENT WORK Theme:Deduction theorem
Plan: 1.Introduction 2.What is theorem? 3.Examples of deduction theorem 4.Useful theorems
1. In mathematical logic, a deduction theorem is a metatheorem that justifies doing conditional proofs — to prove an implication A → B , assume A as an hypothesis and then proceed to derive B — in systems that do not have an explicit inference rule for this. Deduction theorems exist for both propositional logic and first-order logic The deduction theorem is an important tool in Hilbert-style deduction systems because it permits one to write more comprehensible and usually much shorter proofs than would be possible without it. In certain other formal proof systems the same conveniency is provided by an explicit inference rule; for example natural deduction calls it implication introduction. In more detail, the propositional logic deduction theorem states that if a formula is deducible from a set of assumptions t={A} then the implication A B is deducible from ; in symbols, = {A}+B implies . B In the special case where is the empty set, the deduction theorem claim can be more compactly written as: A B implies . The deduction theorem for predicate logic is similar, but comes with some extra constraints (that would for example be satisfied if A is a closed formula. In general a deduction theorem needs to take into account all logical details of the theory under consideration, so each logical system technically needs its own deduction theorem, although the differences are usually minor. The deduction theorem holds for all first-order theories with the usual deductive systems for first-order logic. However, there are first-order systems in which new inference rules are added for which the deduction theorem fails. Most notably, the deduction theorem fails to hold in Birkhoff–von Neumann quantum logic, because the linear subspaces of a Hilbert space form a non-distributive lattice . 2.
In mathematics, a theorem is a statement that has been proved or can be proved.The proof of a theorem is a logical argument that uses the inference rules of a deductive system to establish that the theorem is a logical consequence of the axioms and previously proved theorems. In the mainstream of mathematics, the axioms and the inference rules are commonly left implicit, and, in this case, they are almost always those of Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory with the axiom of choice, or of a less powerful theory, such as Peano arithmetic. A notable exception is Wiles's proof of Fermat's Last Theorem which involves the Grothendieck universes whose existence requires to add a new axiom to the set theory. Generally, an assertion that is explicitly called a theorem is a proved result that is not an immediate consequence of other known theorems. Moreover, many authors qualify as theorems only the most important results, and use the terms lemma , proposition and corollary for less important theorems. In mathematical logic the concepts of theorems and proofs have been formalized in order to allow mathematical reasoning about them. In this context, statements become well-formed formulas of some formal language. A theory consists of some basis statements called axioms , and some deducing rules (sometimes included in the axioms). The theorems of the theory are the statements that can be derived from the axioms by using the deducing rules. This formalization led to proof theory, which allows proving general theorems about theorems and proofs. In particular, Gödel's incompleteness theorems show that every consistent theory containing the natural numbers has true statements on natural numbers that are not theorems of the theory (that is they cannot be proved inside the theory). As the axioms are often abstractions of properties of the physical world, theorems may be considered as the expression some truth, but in contrast to the notion of a scientific law , which is experimental , the justification of the truth of a theorem is purely deductive.
3 1. "Prove" axiom 1: o P 1. hypothesis o Q 2. hypothesis P 3. reiteration of 1 o Q → P 4. deduction from 2 to 3 P →( Q → P ) 5. deduction from 1 to 4 QED 2. "Prove" axiom 2: o P →( Q → R ) 1. hypothesis P → Q 2. hypothesis P 3. hypothesis Q 4. modus ponens 3,2 Q → R 5. modus ponens 3,1 R 6. modus ponens 4,5 P → R 7. deduction from 3 to 6 o ( P → Q )→( P → R ) 8. deduction from 2 to 7 ( P →( Q → R ))→(( P → Q )→( P → R )) 9. deduction from 1 to 8 QED 3. Using axiom 1 to show (( P →( Q → P ))→ R )→ R : o ( P →( Q → P ))→ R 1. hypothesis o P →( Q → P ) 2. axiom 1 o R 3. modus ponens 2,1 (( P →( Q → P ))→ R )→ R 4. deduction from 1 to 3 QED Virtual rules of inference From the examples, you can see that we have added three virtual (or extra and temporary) rules of inference to our normal axiomatic logic. These are "hypothesis", "reiteration", and "deduction". The normal rules of inference (i.e. "modus ponens" and the various axioms) remain available. 1. Hypothesis is a step where one adds an additional premise to those already available. So, if your previous step S was deduced as: